Leadership Capstone

Working with LEAD to help make education more accessible to future teachers in the Latino community.


To begin understanding our capstone we where supposed to attend 2 shadowings and 2 observations during the semester. These events were created that we can learn what our partner does and their struggles. We where recording the goals of Bueno, their target audience, how they are helping their audience, what we can learn from leaders in the space, and how we can help. The biggest lesson I can take from this experience is to listen and amplified voices of those in need and have experienced the issue first hand.

Leader Strategy

To prepare our final essay and presentation we need to find what kind of strategies Bueno is using. We looked at the different types of oppression and the power shift framework. We have found that Bueno is really good at causing niche of innovation changes as they’re a new model that focuses on solving bilingual education.

Story of Now

To wrap up the semester we presented our findings the the leadership department on our findings and wrote a paper describing what we talked about in the presentation. We first wrote about ourselves how we personally connect to the our work. Next we brought in the changes we hoped can be made. Finally we talked about our partner and what they have achieved and hoped to further accomplish.